Well Every-pup! I am so close to 8 months I can taste it!I have done lots and lots since I came to mommy and Ill talk about that in a while when Im a year old!
Mommy seems to think im going to be a smaller dane in height.. (Or maybe she thinks im small because she is amazon woman!) haha. Mommy is no Hsin-Yi!!! If yall dont know my mommy is 5'8" which is like WAYYY taller than I am so my back only comes up to her mid/high thigh right now. The last time I stood on the weigh machine I was only 84 pounds but that was long long ago. So mommy thinks im around 90-96 pounds and we will find out soon!
This is Teagan and Me being nice sissys and snuggling up! Mommy says daddy would really enjoy this site and she is sad that Daddy missed it. I told her that its alright because Look, we have it on camera! and he can see that forever!
Oh this was a couple days before! Look how nice we are to each other!!! Teagan really has lifted her spirits now that daddy has been gone for a few weeks. She was so down in the dumps and it was making mommy teary but now Teagan is crazier than ever and even playing with toys again!
Oh and mommy had to get all professional and take a pretty picture of Miss Cutie Pie! haha. If yall have never noticed before I have an extra tiny white spot on my neck and you can actually see it in this picture. Everyone comments on how beautiful my big white spot on my chest is but never comments on the little things!!! haha.
Well that is all for now every-pup! Its time to get ready to go to the big huge doggie park and see all my dane friends!! (yes another meet up!!) Mommy has been busy planning them and even raising money for the Great Dane Rescues!!! So if your ever in the area let mommy or me know because I would LOVEEE new playmates!