
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Introducing Sissy

Okay today mom said that "I was stealing all of sissy's lime light".. whatever that means. So I am going to post up a couple pictures of my sweet "little"-big sissy Teagan, The Chihuahua.

This is Teagan as a tiny baby! Can you believe she was that size? I cant, because I dont think I was EVER this size!! Mommy calls her Teagan officially but sometimes she calls her Tinks, Tinker, or Tinker Bell; I dont understand why though!

This is Teagan today. She is about 4 pounds and super tiny. Mommy makes me be super careful with her but Sissy is the one that nibbles at my elbows! She is so small that some people upset mommy by saying "do you feed her enough". Well everyone, Mommy takes great care of both of us and Teagan has this good thing called "Metabolism" that mommy is super jealous of! We are the best sisters ever and we even wear the same kind of collar! She is a year and 8 months here.. So she is a lot older than me but I keep up with her with my size. Sometimes I get super jealous of her because she is aloud to cuddle with mommy on places I cant go... They are called the "couch" and the "bed"... But mommy must have a reason, I just dont understand yet!!

And here are a couple pictures of Sissy and Me together!

So this is Sissy and me... As you can tell I am already way taller than her but im super gentle. Mommy says that Teagan has helped me learn that small dogs are fun but they need special kinds of play.. That means I cant be really rough with her, which hasnt been hard for me at all. 

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